Woman, training on anabolic steroids

Women using anabolic steroids was a topic of discussion for many years riddled with myths, misinformation and controversy. But the truth is, when utilized properly and sensibly, anabolic steroids can aid women in building lean muscles and enhancing their overall physique while still being able to retain femininity.

Women, however, tend to have a “more is better” approach and that doesn’t work with enhancing their physique. 

Using the wrong dosage might lead to unwanted side effects so it is important to remember that every woman’s hormonal balance is sensitive. This is why choosing the right anabolic cycle for a woman is so important.

This guide will help you understand women’s sports supplements, how to structure a safe steroid cycle as well as what women can expect from cutting and bulking. Let’s get started.

Are Anabolic Steroids Safe for Women

Using anabolic steroids for women can be very beneficial but knowledge and exciting strategies is the key. Women, unlike men, have to be careful when it comes to choosing the right cycle length, dosage or even the compounds as it can increase the risk.

How Anabolic Steroids Can Help Women

  • Increase Lean Muscle Mass: Providing bulk, but never too much;
  • Boost Strength and Endurance: Very useful for competitors and sports persons;
  • Reduce Body Fat: Great assistance in the cutting phases for women;
  • Enhance Recovery: Minimizes rest for results between training sessions;
  • Improve Muscle Density: Have a sharper and more defined physique.

But wrong choices can lead to dangerous consequences. Deepened voice, facial hair, disruption of the menstrual cycle, and fertility problems tend to arise if the wrong compounds or too much of the dosage is taken.

The key? Using steroids that aid in muscle development while avoiding the harsh androgenic impacts.

The Best Steroids for Women

Not all steroids of anabolic nature can be used by females. Some are simply too androgenic (associated with the development of male traits).

Top 5 Steroids Women Can Use Safely

  • Anavar (Oxandrolone): Primarily used during the cutting phase and for developing lean muscles;
  • Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate): Great when one is cutting to maintain muscle mass;
  • Winstrol (Stanozolol): Aids in achieving better muscle definition and hardness;
  • Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate): A steroid with less severity that assists in joint recovery and support;
  • Trenbolone (Caution: Advanced Users Only!): High risk of virilization but is incredibly powerful.

The Best Steroid Cycle for Women

  • Beginner: Anavar-only cycle (low risk, low side effects, reasonably effective);
  • Intermediate: Anavar + Winstrol stacking for cutting and strength phase;
  • Advanced: Primobolan + Deca-Durabolin stacks for muscle retaining and recovery.

Remember: Steroids are tools and not magic. Nutrition, training, and recovery matter equally.

Best Supplements For Women’s Muscle Growth 

It goes without saying that steroids are not the only available option for muscle building. The correct sports supplements for women can improve performance, ensure faster recovery and assist in hormonal balance. 

Must-Have Supplements For Women

  • Creatine Monohydrate: Helps in building strength and increasing endurance;
  • BCAAs and EAAs: Vital for muscle recovery and preservation;
  • Protein Powder: Comes in handy for building as well as maintaining muscle;
  • Vitamin D and Omega-3s: Assist in hormonal balance and recovery;
  • L-Carnitine: Sometimes helps in fat metabolism during cutting cycles. 

Using the right supplements in tandem with a smart steroid cycle = maximum results with minimum risks. 

Cutting Cycles For Women: The Right Way To Get Lean 

For women, the cutting goal is to shred fat while maintaining muscle, and not disease yourself into losing hard earned gains.

The Perfect Cutting Stack 

  • Anavar (5-10mg daily): Helps in muscle retention while fat burning;
  • Winstrol (5-10mg daily): Helps in increasing muscle hardness;
  • Clenbuterol (20-40mcg daily, cycle 2 weeks on/off): Helps in fast boost fat loss;
  • L-Carnitine and Omega-3s: Help stubborn fat mobilization.

Nutrition Tip: Protein is a priority (2g per kg of body weight), moderate carbs and healthy fats to burst and preserve muscle.

Women’s Bulking: Adding Muscle Without The Fat

For some women, bulking can be scary because of the fear of getting ‘too big’. However, looking like a man is only possible if you’re abusing steroids.

Smart Cycles for Bulking for Women

  • Anavar (10 mg a day): Aids the growth of lean muscle;
  • Primobolan (50-75 mg a week): Helps gain muscle without retaining water;
  • Deca-Durabolin (50 mg every 10th day): Helps joint relief and aids in recuperation;
  • High Protein Diet (2-2.5 g x Kg of bw): Your body needs fuel to grow.

Bulking means building muscle without putting on fat. Womens bulking equals putting on lean mass. Eat at a surplus while lifting heavy.

The Catch: Side Effects and How To Deal With Them

The risks are greater than the rewards if you screw up your steroid cycle. Here is how to shield your body when using anabolic steroids for women.

Mistakes To Avoid

  • High Doses = High Risks: More steroids does not remain necessarily equate to more gains;
  • Skipping Bloodwork: The regulators of your hormones need watching;
  • No PCT: Recovery of the gland is vital;
  • Using Potent Androgens: Sorry first time users, but tren is a recipe for virilization;
  • Disregarding Digestion: The proper use of the diet will yield maximum of the prepared substances.

Using safe practices while dosing means using your gear responsibly – causing harm to your body should not be the objective.

Post-Cycle Therapy for Women

To answer the original question of this section, yes women need PCT. Natural hormone released by the gonads is inhibited and therefore adequate recovery is essential. Women who are new to PCTs could find this guide useful too:

  • Nolvadex (10mg daily for 3-4 weeks): Hormonal backup;
  • Omega-3 and Adaptogens: Cortisol and stress management;
  • Vitamin D and Zinc: Natural testosterone recovery aids;
  • Less Training: Time off from working out.

With PCT, your body will work optimally without sacrificing any of your gains. It is highly recommended that you do not neglect PCT.

Final Thoughts: Should Women Use Steroids or Anabolic Steroids For Women

Anabolic steroids for women in sports should be taken by true athletes, competitors, and serious bodybuilders, so long as responsibility meets this level of passion. Steroids can indeed advance your body to its peak condition.

Stick to selective androgen receptors such as Anavar, Primobolan and Winstrol.Never exceed doses of low intensity steroids, as well as short cycles – from 6 weeks to 8 weeks at most.

Cope with extreme examples and parallel exercises and proper nutrition. Do not add androgens with permanent penetrating side effects. Always PCT.

Want to make a perfect steroid cycle and a plan of supplementary exercises specifically designed for you? Schedule an appointment so we can find your strategy.