A man on a post-cycle therapy

After finishing a steroid cycle, you have to go through the post-cycle therapy process and PCT is constantly required for you to balance your hormonal level. A number of athletes and bodybuilders ignore this stage, however, failing to proceed with or perform PCT correctly can have counterproductive effects on several aspects. 

As such, in this piece I will explain the concept of PCT, why it is of utmost significance and how best to go about managing it in order to recover faster.

What is Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) in Context to Steroids?

PCT is an abbreviation for Post Cycle Therapy which is referred to as the process which follows the completion of a steroid cycle and aims at returning the hormonal levels in the body to natural ranges. During Cycle(with AAS), testosterone secretion from the testes remains suppressed for the duration of the cycle owing to Androgens.

If Ctg is not utilized adequately, there is the likelihood of experiencing low testosterone levels for quite a time which can have the following repercussions:

  • Reduced muscle volume;
  • Lethargy;
  • Low mood index;
  • Decreased sex drive;
  • Fluctuation in estrogen concentration.

Adequately devising a PCT plan enables an individual to assist the body in making endogenous testosterone and normalizing the hormonal levels.

The Importance of PCT

Testosterone is vital for muscle development, fat burning, and good health. During steroid cycles, synthetic testosterone and/or its metabolites are ingested during steroid cycles which halts endogenous production of the hormone. 

After the steroids are stopped, the body has difficulty in getting back to its normal flow of testosterone after steroid cycles. That’s where PCT comes into play.

A proper PCT assists in:

  1. Increasing Endogenous Testosterone: By activating the HPG axis, PCT helps to reactivate the organism in a way such that it gets prepared to produce testosterone;
  2. Minimize Feminization: Certain anabolic steroids may elevate estrogen levels, thereby causing unwanted outcomes like gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in males). PCT neutralizes the hyper estrogenic condition;
  3. Hold on to Achievements: PCT takes care of the muscle mass and strength you’ve achieved from the cycle and have been exercising with them to prevent muscle wasting due to hormonal changes taking place in the body;
  4. Help the Body Recover: PCT minimizes the chances of degenerative diseases like heart disease, liver damage or psychiatric disorders which might occur after extensive steroid abuse.

Widely Used As PCT Medications

Many medications are primarily administered in post-cycle therapy for the rejuvenation of testosterone production and balancing out the hormones. Some of the more common ones include the following:

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Clomid is often the drug of choice in PCT. It prevents estrogen receptor access, thus inducing the body to release more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which are vital for the induction of natural testosterone production.

Clomid Usage: It is used for 4 to 6 weeks, with some dosage modifications of the range used based on the intensity and the period of the steroid cycle.

Clomid Side Effects: Clomid is a relatively efficient drug, but it can cause side effects such as:

  • Mood swings;
  • Disrupting headache;
  • Visual acuity.

This is critical in determining how effective clomiphene will be for you as a patient.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)

Nolvadex is yet another antiestrogen used in PCT along with Clomid. It similarly to clomid can assist some individuals but can be less harsh on some of them as well. It can reduce some effects of gynecomastia while also promoting testosterone secretion.

Nolvadex Usage: Nolvadex is frequently used in the late phases of PCT to address estrogen levels, which otherwise might limit natural testosterone production.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 

HCG is comparable to luteinizing hormone and the effect it has depends on the ovaries in females and the testes in males, where it leads to testosterone production or egg fertilization. This can prove to be a value if you synchronize the PCT with Gupta or Nolvadex. 

HCG can be used in Low Testosterone post cycle recovery effectively. Strictly watch out for over-dose as this drug is potent. 

When To Use HCG: HCG usually is injected at the latter stages of the cycle or when transitioning into PCT. This will restore the normal functioning of the testis and increase normal testosterone levels synthesis. 

Note on PCT Limitations: HCG however should be administered only under the watchful eye of a specialized doctor’s because over-usage of the drug could lead to the suppression of ones produces testosterone naturally. PCT Duration and timing PCT cycles last for three months while PCT drugs recovery and effects depends on how long the steroid cycle was and what type of steroids are taken. But 3 months beat is the max.

If one opts for higher intensity cycles then one can expect the post cycle effect to last longer than average:

  • For cycles which last anywhere between 6-8 weeks, post cycle therapy will closely be around four weeks, although, there have been times where the duration was higher than expected;
  • For longer cycle say 12 weeks cycles and more, it can take 6-8 weeks before the body recovers properly.

Unfortunately, taking your time in commencing post cycle therapy could prove to be detrimental to your health. The early you start with the therapy the higher your chances to suppress the negative effect to the core. Time plays an extremely critical role when it comes to recovery.

Conclusion: Do Not Ignore PCT

Have you ever taken anabolic steroids? Are you planning to? Well, if so, then post cycle therapy is a must. This will in return protect your health and also allow you to keep the gains you worked so hard for.

If you think that this procedure helps in cancer treatment or helps balance hormones alone then you are mistaken. It also aids in natural testosterone production. Most importantly, it’s a vital part of recovery because it helps you stay on track even when you’re looking long term.

Remember: speak to a professional who understands your needs and goals, and you will get the right plan that works for you. Moderation is key, so when working towards achieving your goals, PCT should always be kept in mind.

Executing a recomposition anabolic cycle and want some professional assistance? With over ten years of experience, I, Paul Johnson, specialize in developing techniques to help with shunning fat while integrating strength enhancement and muscle growth. I focus on a safe cycle followed by an efficient long term PCT.